Postcards & Connections

Geysa returns home from their National Parks tour, delighted that many small blessings keep coming her way (despite repeated death threats allusion to her).

Opening her piles of mail, she smiles. How timely, postcards to share capturing her National Parks Tour. She’d damaged her mobile camera phone, and lost her pics.

And messed up her tweets and blog connections. So telling of her freedom loving ways. To attach & detach and vice versa. Multi-planet lifestyle with Emit and before their kids came, honed her mental fortitude for solitude and remote sparsely occupied terrain.

In the few weeks of her Earth comeback, she faced the backlash of negative criticisms, shaming and labelling behaviors for revealing an alternate loving, peaceful, enermated and self-sufficient living available to the majority.

She strives to aim for balance while enjoying her faves and preferences for music, travel, people, things, food…  And holding on to true love, family, children, pets and Prosperity that did not come back with her. To have experienced them briefly in outer space Utopia means Success achieved.


Postcards credit Sierra Club

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